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As consumerism began to reign the global market, plenty of utility products were introduced in the last century. The impact of utilizing highly toxic raw materials for cheap quality production kept polluting the environment and people had to suffer worldwide.

It was in the outset of the new millennium a team of highly industrious Italian polymer engineers known for their eminent contributions to the world of Polymer Technology joined together to plan what they can do to save our planet from the ever-growing fatal contaminations, which make the living of people quite a hazardous task.

As a result of their yearlong collective effort, they innovated MFP, the unique mineral composition with features like ultra-purity, extreme thermal & shock resistance, ultimate stain resistance, etc. After continuous research and hundreds of lab tests MFP was chosen to make kitchenware, the aid for food preparation and armour for food safety simultaneously.

The brand – Granoware thus born and embarked on a whole new saga of success in the kitchenware industry…