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With the noble mission of making our planet hazard free by eradicating every polluting element affecting our day to day life and TEAM GRANOPLAST discovered GRANOWARE, the wonderful result of innovation, scientific excellence and technological perfection.

It’s a legendary mineral composition, which blends strength, purity and utility. Now Granoware is a name tantamount to the safest tableware across the globe. Unlike the cheap Chinese tableware products threatening the society in large with the fatal impacts on our health and environment, Granoware has an array of unique qualities to boast of.

Granoware MFP is stronger, thermal & mechanical shock resistant, non-porous, anti-bacterial, Microwave & Dishwasher safe, stain proof, Lead & Cadmium free, BPA free and what not while considering the perfect tableware – the prominent part of life.

A pioneering product with unmatched features, Granoplast aims to provide its customers diversity, class and satisfaction when it comes to choosing their tableware. To uphold the legacy, Granoplast delivers superior product variety reflecting the results of continuous Research & Development, state-of-the-art technology, strong foundation of knowledge in Polymer Technology, and an edge to be proactive.

Granoplast keeps striving to support healthy living and to create less hazardous environs for the generations through the dissemination of innovative products like Granoware for the enhancement of well-being across the globe.